Only truth which keeps you moving forward : your inner motivation

There are two types of motivation which are responsible for any action taken by individuals,the only difference between these two is the “period of motivation“.

By “Period of motivation” I mean the time period during which this motivation influence your action.You must be wondering that which are these two types.

Late me elaborate,the first type is the external motivation which comes in the category of short time period I.e. which last for a short duration of time.Now another question arises “Why”???

When you see or observe something that makes you think about your current state and action then you feel motivated but for short time ,this is because that the reason that makes you think is not your inner cause of action in your life ,that is just a temporary reason which makes you move forward for limited time.

Now the second category is of permanent type, this motivation is because of your main fundamental cause which defines the purpose of your life. Some of the people have the knowledge of this cause but some of the people needs to know about this cause and they will have to find their inner motivation as soon as possible.

I can tell you a way to find this permanent motivation,”the way” you must know is “keep running”

Keep running towards your goal ,by doing this you will definitely find the purpose of your life.

When a deer wake up in the morning he thinks that 

 if I will not run today with my full potential then I will not survive.

Same day when a lion wake up he thinks  that

if I will not run today with my full potential then I will starve.

My intention by telling this story is that ,if you are a deer or a lion you will have to run for achieving the very purpose of your life .

Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition; they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”    -Steve Jobs

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